🍿 The ONLY TypeScript validation runtime library you'll need πŸͺ„πŸ’«

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If you are preparing for a senior role or are just a few years away, I have compiled five key strategies that every developer must pursue to reach seniority.

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Weekly Snack: Zod Schema Validation 🍿

​Zod provides TypeScript first schema validation.

It allows you to check types at the runtime level as well at the type level. It's easier to validate your schema and complex data structures.

z is an instance of the "zod" library, and z.object() is used to define a schema for an object.

We create a validation schema for an object with "name" and "amount" fields. It then attempts to validate an object (likely received from a form submission) against this schema.

  • The "name" field should be a non-empty string.
  • The "amount" field should be a number greater than 0.

The safeParse method does the following:

If the validation is successful, the result object will have a success property set to true and the parsed data.

If validation fails, it will have success set to false, and there might be an error property with details about the failure.

To check out the power of Zod, check out this advanced example of Zod:

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2:11 AM β€’ Nov 3, 2023

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